Social Media Promotions / Competitions

Competitions on Facebook & Instagram are often run by businesses, not aware that they are actually breaching promotional guidelines. Doing so, puts their page/profile at risk of being shut down.

It is critical that if you are running a Facebook or Instagram promotion or competition, that you do so inline with promotional guidelines, and abide by any rules around running a competition in that particular country/region.

The Creative Collective is experienced in running competitions for our clients, and will strategise a promotion aligned with your objectives, budget and audience.

We love working across a diverse range of industries and provide custom social media competition strategies to suit any product or service.

Comment to bot competitions

A comment to bot competition means that a Facebook or Instagram user comments on a page post which then triggers an automatic Facebook/Instagram Messenger bot to kick into gear.

The user comments ‘Enter’ which triggers their entry, and then our clever little bot does the rest of the work. Each and every user that comments in a potential sales opportunity.

What’s even cooler about this type of competition is that once a user enters and confirms their entry, they have also opted in to receive communication from you via Messenger! And that’s super powerful. Facebook and Instagram Messenger Marketing is relatively unsaturated and currently getting open rates up to 98%! Compare that to emails, where average open rates are a mere 20-30% at best!

This type of competition is available for competitions/promotions that you want to run on Facebook or Instagram. Typical results include a surge in page likes/followers, enormous reach/engagement on your post, increase in database subscribers and an opportunity to market via Facebook Messenger.

Social Media Competitions are a powerful way to amplify your results on social media!

Whether you’re wanting to build your followers, get names, emails + phone numbers on your database or just to boost your pages engagement, social media competitions can be really powerful!

Competitions can be used to:

  • Launch a new venue
  • Promote a new product or service
  • Build a ‘warm’ audience who is interested in a particular product or service
  • Promote an event
  • Build an engaged audience that you might use as a custom audience in future
  • Build page/profile followers/likes
  • Boost engagement
  • Increase Reach
  • Create buzz & hype
  • Build anticipation
  • Cut through the ‘same ol’ content on social media
  • Test the market
  • Drive Sales

The sky’s the limit when it comes to reaching your goals with social media competitions and we are here to help!

Our process for Social Media Competitions

new Instagram features - what do I need to know?

1. Initial Discussion

First things first, we need to know what you are trying to achieve. In a 20 — 30 minute conversation, we can give some initial creative suggestions on what kind of competition we could run to get the most impact for your business. From there, we send you a formal quote.

2. Briefing Session

Once we are engaged, we will take the time to get to know you, your business objectives, target market, competitive landscape and desired outcomes from the campaign. We will also gather key information such as any existing log ins, or marketing messages you’d like to use for brand consistency (however we can also do these up for you as part of the process), and more.  We will provide a debrief post this session for you to approve, which will be the basis from which we will work on.

3. Design The Competition

With all information in hand, it’s time to design the competition. Having conducted the briefing session, we will have drafted key messages and you would be preparing your competition terms and conditions. Once you have provided your terms and conditions and a lottery licence is applicable, we will setup any required competition tools and send you tests for approval.

4. Campaign Commenced, Monitored and Reported On

Once the campaign is commenced, we will monitor it, and then report on the final campaign and results i.e. number of likes, entries, comments and so on. We need your help understanding what the impact has been too, so we’ll arrange an end of campaign meeting to ‘unpack’ what occurred.

At the conclusion of the campaign, an export of the entries will be provided to you. We usually recommend that this is also the time to follow-up with entries that were not successful with an opportunity to purchase or a ‘runners up offer’.

5. Campaign is Complete! Repeat and/or move on to other services!

Once your competition is complete, we can either embark on another (many of our clients do) OR provide you with a number of other services to help you continue to build on your social media presence and enjoy a higher level of enquiry, brand awareness and sales. These include:

Let’s chat about your project

Recent Projects

Silicon Coast – FWD Fest 2022
Port Stephens Tourism
Aus China Council | Social Media campaign
​Destination Scenic Rim
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Cracks in the Ice
Delight Dental
Weddings by Kathy

Hear from our Social Media Customers