Media Room

As experienced PR professionals and ex-journalists we know how helpful a well equipped Media Room on a website is.

Looking for digital marketing agency news?

Please find on this page our digital marketing agency news including easy access to our company history & milestones, key personnel bios; logos & images and latest press releases (both for ourselves and our clients) and more.

If you would like to speak to us about a company issued press release, or arrange an interview or photos with us in regards to a client story or company story, or just generally discuss digital marketing agency news, please contact our PR team lead Holly Simpson on or 07 545 11315.

If you are a potential client who would like to work with a team who include ex journalists and people who have years of PR experience, extensive media contacts and years of experience successfully achieving media coverage for our clients, contact us!

Our team have PR experience on ‘both sides of the fence’ having worked in the media in various locations around the world, and conducting PR campaigns for a wide range of companies. We’ve also conducted media training and handled media liaison on sometimes sensitive issues. Some of our team have degrees in Public Relations, Event Management or PR related areas.

Company History & Milestones

Need to grab some background information on our company, our history or key milestones?

Meet the Team

Need to grab a quick bio on one of our staff, trainers or contractors? You’ll find those here.

Logos & Images

Need to access our company logo, images of our team, workplace and more? You’ll find those here.

Press Releases