Bondi Active

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Bondi Active

Bondi Active is an Aussie owned and operated, beach-inspired activewear brand who offer a combination of performance, active swim and athleisure-wear to both women and men. We were contracted for a chatbot competition, SEO Audit, establishing conversion tracking, establishing the Facebook Shop + Instagram Shop, and monthly Facebook Ads, Google Ads + Google Shopping Ads over a 3 month period.

Facebook Ads Results:

Spent $4,688.58 in the campaign period.
  • Reached 513,879 people (319,066 in May and 255,180 in April) Effectively doubled our reach from the first month and hitting over half a million people for a relatively low spend!
  • Impressions hit 959,987 (785,295 in May and 565,688 in April) – almost doubled our first month!
  • Average frequency of 1.87 per person (2.38 in May)
  • Total clicks hit 8,725 (5,969 in May and 5,258 in April)
  • Average CPC hit $0.54 ($0.59 in May and $0.77 in April)

Website Results:

  • The number of users visiting the website is up by 20.31% month on month
  • Conversions were up 35.42%
  • Sessions were up 17.61%
  • Sessions via Social Referral were up 30.61%
  • Conversions via social channels were up 59.26%

Chatbot Results:

  • +110 followers = 5% growth in 4 weeks
  • Page Reach: 155,095
  • Post Reach 22,015 people total, 19,700 from paid promotion
  • Received 610 reactions, comments and shares
  • Gained 575 post clicks that either viewed the photo, clicked through to the website or through to their Facebook page.
  • Average cost per engagement at $0.55

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Bondi Active